Argentinian PTO request to inform the status of the priority for pending patent applications

This is Resolution 364/2024, issued today.
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Our PTO published today resolution 364/2024 which sets a term of SIXTY (60) calendar days for the applicants of pending patent applications to notify whether priority has been granted in the country of origin or not. This requisite will apply to all applications regardless of the stage of their prosecution and whether they have paid the substantive examination fee or not. 

It is also important to highlight that failure to comply with this requirement will result in the respective application being deemed abandoned.

Finally, even if the resolution states that all pending applications are affected, the PTO will issue single notifications with the 60-day term to provide the required information, so rest assured that we will contact you as soon as your applications are notified indicating the exact deadline.


Livia Carbonelli
Intellectual Property Attorney
Patent Department