Final deadline to file substantive examination in Argentina

As you may recall, in January 2018, our Patents Office implemented some changes in patent prosecution by the issuance of a De-bureaucratization Decree which was then ratified by the Argentine Congress in a new Patents Law (No. 27,444).


In said Decree one of the most important procedural changes regarding patent applications was the reduction from 3 years to 18 months to attend the payment of the substantive examination exam. The decree also stated that those patents whose substantive examination had not been paid when the decree was published and whose orginal deadline was after July 12, 2019 must attend the payment before that date.

Even though we have already informed you individually in each case we are handling, we believe it is important to highlight that our Patents Office will have a huge workload during the previous days to this general deadline. Therefore, we recommend you instruct us to attend the payment as soon as possible so as to avoid any kind of inconvenience.

Finally, we remain at your disposal for any query you may have and remain,

Truly yours,.